Regular dental visits are the key to a healthy smile. At LORA in Munich, we offer our patients comprehensive dental prophylaxis tailored to your individual needs. This includes professional teeth cleaning, plaque and discoloration removal, and a detailed check-up. We use modern technologies such as 3D scans to detect and treat possible diseases at an early stage. Let our experienced team advise you and keep your teeth and gums healthy in the long term.
Enjoy a relaxed and pleasant treatment while listening to your favorite music or podcast. Our modern headphones (Apple AirPod Max) suppress annoying treatment noises and provide a quiet atmosphere during your dental cleaning, check-up or other treatments.
During a checkup, we look not only at your teeth and gums, but also at the health of your oral mucosa, tongue and jaw joints. If present, we also check fillings, crowns and dentures for functionality and fit. This allows us to detect and treat any problems early on.
Book appointment online* Example of the costs to be borne by the patient himself/herself for those with statutory health insurance (= personal contribution). The actual costs result from individual circumstances according to the dentists' fee schedule (GOZ). For certain services, there may be a therapy alternative without co-payment.
Experience a thorough and gentle dental cleaning in our practice, which reaches even hard-to-reach places and optimally cleans your teeth. Optimize your oral hygiene and improve the appearance of your smile.
With our innovative 3D scanning process, we create a precise and detailed digital model of your teeth. This allows us to individually and accurately analyze your oral health and plan treatments that are perfectly tailored to your needs.
Enjoy a relaxed and pleasant treatment while listening to your favorite music. Our modern headphones suppress noise and provide a quiet atmosphere during your dental cleaning, check-up or other treatments.
With our years of experience and expertise in dentistry, we can ensure that your teeth and smile remain in top condition without unnecessary treatments. We emphasize transparency and honesty in our recommendations and treatment plans, so you always know exactly what to expect and why.
Caries is caused by bacteria that settle in plaque on the teeth. These bacteria produce acids that dissolve tooth minerals, leading to caries. Inadequate oral hygiene, intake of sugary foods and inadequate fluoride supply increase the risk of caries. To prevent caries, it is advisable to brush your teeth regularly, floss and have regular check-ups with your dentist.
Professional dental cleaning, also known as prophylaxis, is an important part of oral health. Before the cleaning, a risk assessment is performed to determine whether the patient is at increased risk for caries or periodontitis. Based on these results, we recommend to the patient the intervals at which he or she should have a professional dental cleaning. We then discuss home oral hygiene and, if necessary, tips for improving care.
The actual cleaning begins with the removal of tartar using an ultrasonic device. Then a powder-water blaster is used to gently but thoroughly clean the tooth surfaces and interdental spaces to remove bacterial biofilm. The teeth are then polished to create a smooth surface that provides less surface for new plaque to attack. Finally, a special protective varnish is applied to keep teeth protected longer.
A professional dental cleaning is an important step in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. It helps prevent cavities, periodontal disease and other conditions and keeps your smile bright. By visiting your dentist regularly and having your teeth professionally cleaned, you can be sure that your teeth and gums will stay in top shape.
The frequency of professional tooth cleaning, also called periodontal treatment or PZR, depends on various factors. First, a risk assessment is performed on each patient to determine the individual risk of caries or periodontitis. In general, however, dentists recommend performing a PZR at least once a year to remove plaque and tartar to maintain gum and tooth health. However, those at higher risk may need more frequent PZRs. It is important to follow the dentist's recommendations to ensure optimal oral health.
In our dental office professional teeth cleaning costs 145€.
Our professional dental cleaning (PZR) lasts 60 minutes and includes a thorough cleaning of your teeth as well as interdental spaces with state-of-the-art instruments.