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Radiantly beautiful teeth with veneers: All info on costs & treatment

Erhalten Sie ein strahlendes Lächeln mit unseren digital designten und professionell gefertigten Veneers aus Keramik – perfekt für höchste ästhetische Ansprüche. Sie sind eine wirkungsvolle Möglichkeit, Verfärbungen, Risse, Fehlstellungen und abgesplitterte Zahnkanten im Frontzahnbereich zu korrigieren. Mit diesen Verblendschalen können Sie sich ein perfektes Lächeln zaubern lassen und Ihre Zähne in nur wenigen Schritten optisch aufwerten.

Hier erfahren Sie, was Veneers genau sind, welche Vor- und Nachteile sie haben, mit welchen Kosten sie verbunden sind und wie unsere Spezialisten Ihnen in nur drei Behandlungsschritten ein tolles Lächeln ohne optische Fehlstellungen ermöglichen.

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Lächeln Sie wie die Stars – so funktioniert die Behandlung in unserer Münchner Zahnklinik:

3D image capture
and preview

Noch vor dem eigentlichen Eingriff: Erleben Sie Ihr neues Lächeln in 3D - mit unserem hochmodernen Scanner und einer digitalen Vorschau.

Applying temporary veneers

Experience your new smile before the final restoration with our temporary veneers- share it with friends and family and see how it looks on you.

Dental veneer: Permanent restoration

Now your veneers are fabricated at our high-quality partner laboratories. Finally, we make the final adjustments and attach your permanent veneers.

Keramik-Veneers: Effektive Lösung ohne Schleifen der Zähne

With veneers, we can effectively correct color defects, cracks in the enamel and slight malocclusions in the anterior region. Thanks to the possibility of matching the color of the neighboring teeth, they look completely natural and often cannot be distinguished from natural tooth substance by a dentist.

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Beispiele für Arten und Farben der Verblendschalen: Vorher-Nachher-Bilder
Die Vorher-Fotos zeigen oft Zähne mit Verfärbungen, Abnutzungsspuren oder kleinen Rissen, während die Nachher-Fotos perfekt aussehende, strahlend weiße Zähne zeigen. Unsere Veneers bestehen aus einem hauchdünnen, aber robusten Keramik, das perfekt an die Zähne angepasst wird. Die Keramikschalen können in verschiedenen Farben und Formen angefertigt werden, um das gewünschte Ergebnis zu erzielen und ein natürliches Erscheinungsbild zu ermöglichen.

Explanation: This is how veneers work

Veneer tooth
Your teeth

Veneers cover teeth that are spaced apart, worn, chipped or discolored.

Veneer tooth
Surface preparation

We remove a thin layer of enamel to improve the hold of the veneers.

Veneer tooth
Auftragen der

We first apply a temporary veneer, then a permanent one.

Veneer tooth
Time to smile

The time has come!
Enjoy perfect, natural looking teeth.

Face without veneers
Without veneers

As you age, your mouth loses elasticity and muscle tone, making your face look less symmetrical.

Face with veneers
With veneers

Veneers support the muscles of your face. They make the cheekbones more prominent and your face more symmetrical.

Erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die Kosten der Zahnbehandlung

We understand that cost is an important consideration when it comes to beautifying your smile. However, blanket and general statements about price are unfortunately not possible. Each patient has individual needs and requirements that can affect the price.

Factors such as the number of veneers needed, the complexity of the treatment and the material chosen all play a role. In a personal consultation, all these aspects will be discussed in detail in order to be able to provide you with an accurate cost estimate.
Upper jaw
Lower jaw
Price overview veneers:
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*Example of the costs to be borne by the patient himself/herself for those with statutory health insurance (= personal contribution). The actual costs result from individual circumstances according to the dentists' fee schedule (GOZ). For certain services, there may be a treatment alternative without co-payment. Financing example without interest or fees.

Advantages, disadvantages and possible risks: The perfect smile without teeth grinding

When deciding on veneers, we want to reassure you that the benefits outweigh the potential risks. The advantages are clear: veneers are the perfect solution for anyone who wants to enhance their smile without having to perform major grinding work on the tooth. These wafer-thin veneers are individually adapted to the shape of the tooth and applied to the tooth surface without having to remove a large part of the natural tooth substance. This allows for a quick and gentle treatment that is long-lasting, stable, esthetic, and non-discoloring. Our technique is also gentle on the gums and offers an alternative to crowns, which require major surgery.

The disadvantages and risks are extremely low. Some patients report temporary tooth sensitivity after placement, but this usually subsides quickly. Modern technology and high-quality materials reduce the risk of complications or intolerance to a minimum. Let us advise you and you will soon enjoy a natural and radiant smile.

Erfahrungen: Tut es weh, Veneers zu bekommen?

A slight tingling or pressure sensation may occur during treatment, but most patients report that the application of the veneers is completely painless.
After the treatment, you may experience slight sensitivity, but this usually disappears within a few days. We recommend avoiding cold and hot foods and drinks for some time and consulting your dentist if you have any concerns or pain. Our top-notch dentists will work with you to ensure that the porcelain veneers are best suited to your needs and desires.

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Die Herstellung

Veneers are a modern and effective way to enhance your teeth and achieve a radiant smile. During your initial consultation appointment, our experienced dentists will take a state-of-the-art 3D scan of your teeth to measure them correctly and give you a digital preview of your new smile.

Thanks to digitization, you have the opportunity to incorporate your wishes and ideas directly into the planning process and be convinced of the natural look of the veneers. This means you can be sure that your teeth will shine again and you can laugh and speak without worry. It is entirely up to you how white or natural they will look.

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Vom Abdruck bis zum Einsetzen:
In nur drei Besuchen zu geraden & strahlend weißen Zähnen

Fabricating porcelain veneers for your teeth is a time-consuming process that can be completed in our office in as few as three visits. Compared to other dentists, who often require multiple visits, we can make the process more efficient, providing you with faster treatment.
The first visit is a consultation, where we discuss your needs and get an idea of your oral health. We then prepare your teeth for the veneers by removing an extremely thin layer of enamel.
During the second visit, impressions are taken of your teeth to ensure that the veneers fit perfectly. Porcelain is then made and colored in a specific shade to create a natural look.
At the third and final appointment, the veneers are placed. We check the fit again and make sure you are satisfied with the result. Then they are finally placed and you can immediately enjoy your new smile.
In total, only three visits are necessary for the fabrication. We guarantee a quick, painless and high quality treatment that will give your teeth a fantastic new aesthetic.

Reinigung und Pflege

You care for your new veneers almost the same way you care for your natural teeth and your overall dental health. Brushing, flossing and mouthwashes are all you need to care for your veneers. We also usually recommend a nightly guard to protect them from wear and tear caused by teeth grinding.
After placement, we recommend that you do not eat hard candies or other very hard foods that do not occur naturally, as they can damage your veneers (as well as your natural teeth). On the other hand, eating apples, corn on the cob and other natural foods that require vigorous biting and chewing is perfectly fine.

Durability of porcelain veneers

Porzellanveneers – eine der beliebtesten Methoden, um ein attraktives und natürliches Lächeln zu erlangen – sind aus hochwertiger Keramik gefertigt und bieten eine dauerhafte Lösung bei Zahnfehlstellungen und einem unästhetischen Erscheinungsbild der Zähne. Die meisten Verblendschalen, die in Zahnarztpraxen angefertigt werden, halten Jahrzehnte, wenn nicht sogar ein ganzes Leben. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass keine Zahnmedizin ewig hält.
Um die Haltbarkeit der Porzellanvariante zu maximieren, ist es wichtig, sie, wie bereits beschrieben, richtig zu pflegen. Dazu gehören auch regelmäßige Kontrollen beim Zahnarzt, die Verwendung von Mundspülungen und eine gesunde Ernährung.
Es ist auch wichtig, dass man diese von erfahrenen und qualifizierten Zahnärzten anfertigen lässt. In unserer Münchner Zahnarztpraxis verwenden wir nur hochwertige Materialien und bieten einen erstklassigen Service, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Verblendschalen möglichst lange halten.
Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass Verblendschalen aus Porzellan eine hervorragende Option für Menschen sind, die ihr Lächeln verbessern möchten. Mit der richtigen Pflege und Aufmerksamkeit können sie viele Jahre halten und Ihnen ein natürliches und strahlendes Lächeln verleihen.Termin buchen

Frequently asked questions

How much do veneers cost?
What are the disadvantages of dental veneers?
Are veneers good for the teeth?
What are veneers?
Wie stellt man die Verblendschalen für die Zähne her?
What are veneers made of?
How many of my teeth will need veneers?
How much of my teeth will be removed if I get ceramic veneers?
How do LORA dentists create a digital image of my teeth?
Wie lange halten Zahnverblendschalen?
What are temporary veneers?
Verändern Zahnverblendschalen die Form meines Gesichts?
Do I need a night guard if I get veneers?

Schwabing Dental Practice

Trautenwolfstraße 8, 80802 Munich
All your holistic dentistry and orthodontics concerns. Visit our caring team in the comforting rooms of our practice. More time for you and your teeth with online appointment booking and medical history. Everyone is welcome at LORA, whether you're a health insurance or private patient.
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